Integrating AI at Sheba Consulting: Our Top Picks, Home Tips, and Future Forecasts - Sheba Consulting | Fractional Leadership Services | Fractional COO | Fractional CTO | Fractional CPO | Operations and Back-Office Services

Integrating AI at Sheba Consulting: Our Top Picks, Home Tips, and Future Forecasts

 Jennifer Conter LaLama
July 31, 2024 3:14pm ET

In November of 2022, Sheba Consulting’s CEO, Adi Vaxman, called an emergency meeting. It was all hands on deck as she’d just gained access to OpenAI’s Chat GPT. She emphatically said, “This is going to change everything.”

Adi showed the team what ChatGPT could do and explained the future possibilities and how it might alter their workflow. To say she was excited would be an understatement. The team spent the next two months having meetings where the only topic discussed was ChatGPT. Each day the model was growing more and more competent. 

As a writer, Content Manager Jennifer Conter LaLama, was horrified by the implications of the technology. Would everything she went to school for be worth nothing? Would her position be eliminated to a bot? It was a very scary time. 

Business Development Manager and Marketing student Rachel Korepanova also confessed she was a little scared in those early days. She pondered how education, employment, and work specifically done by humans would change. She admitted to being intimidated by the entire concept.

With AI ever-evolving, the team at Sheba Consulting was interviewed and asked which programs they are using, how they’re using them, and what they see for the future of AI. With some members of the team being more adventurous than others, it was surprising to hear that ChatGPT was still everyone’s favorite (well, everyone except Adi).

AI in the Workplace

In her work seeking new prospects for Sheba Consulting, Rachel uses ChatGPT for research. Instead of spending half an hour examining a company’s website, she pastes the web address into ChatGPT and tells it what she needs. Within a few seconds, she is given a summary and can decide whether to move forward in her pursuit.

Client Success Manager Shani Kedem spends her workday bouncing between various AI models, but still finds ChatGPT to be her main go-to. She said, “Even with new AIs popping up left and right, ChatGPT usually constantly stays ahead of the game. It can handle more types of tasks than most others, which makes it super handy for my daily work.”

Having found many ways to integrate AI into her work recruiting, Client Success Manager Heather Stanton finds ChatGPT helpful, but she had to learn how to communicate with it. 

Once beyond that initial communication barrier, Heather found many ways to put ChatGPT to work for her. She said, “I’ve used job descriptions to help me draft interview questions that are directly related to the job. I’ve asked it for suggestions for job titles using the job description, so that on the different platforms that we’re advertising, we can have different job titles that might be a little more creative and interesting to people who are looking for those types of positions.”

In her work on social media, Jennifer has had a few occasions when she’s asked ChatGPT for direction on how to present something. She said, “It’s really good at providing a jumping-off point that I can expand on.” Rachel also agreed, “It definitely helps you to think of other ways and more eloquent ways and more business ways to say something.”

AI & Personal

A few members of the team have found some creative personal uses for ChatGPT. Heather often uses ChatGPT after a long day of work when she doesn’t know what to make for dinner. She’ll give ChatGPT a list of ingredients from her refrigerator and tell it to come up with a recipe she can make. She and her husband have yet to go hungry.

Rachel recently used ChatGPT to help with her 8-year-old daughter’s homework assignment. Not to get her daughter in trouble, but let’s just say they are now well-versed in bobcat habitats. Now, whenever her daughter has a question, she instructs Rachel to ask ChatGPT first.

Worried she might be a little too reliant on the image generating AI models, Jennifer admits to using them quite often. What used to take her hours in Photoshop, now takes just a few minutes in Canva. As a volleyball coach, she has used Canva’s Media Studio to create her team’s logo for three seasons in a row. And when a client was opening a new business and confided he was having trouble with the logo, she pointed him toward Canva for assistance.

The future of AI

Some of the Sheba Consulting team couldn’t envision the future of AI. Many team members confided to being content with the recent advancements AI has made. Jennifer noted that she could spend the rest of her days just trying out all the things the current models can do.

Shani had an interesting response about the future. She said, “I’m really looking forward to fully integrated AI systems or a single AI that can do it all. Right now, I might have one AI taking notes in my Zoom calls, another one drafting my reports, another one managing my schedule, another one analyzing my data, and another creating my presentations – but none of them talk to each other.”

The bravest of them all, Adi, can’t wait for the AI robot. She fantasizes about the day when she has the robot assistant in the house to fold laundry and do all the tasks that get put off through the work day. Maybe Adi was a huge fan of the Jetsons and has been waiting for her very own Rosie or maybe she’s just better at delegating than the rest of us.

Each day brings new advancements in AI. And as we witness the evolution of AI, it is obvious that we should embrace all the things it can do to make our work & personal lives better. As with anything, it takes practice and a lot of trial and error to get the most out of AI. Should you need any help, we’re here to share our experience. 

P.S. Can you spot the one thing in this blog post written by ChatGPT? After feeling the title wasn’t catchy enough, the author turned to ChatGPT with this prompt. “Can you give me some other creative and catchy options for this title? “How We’ve Integrated AI Tools at Sheba Consulting- Our Favorite, How We Use It at Home and Our Thoughts on the Future.” Within seconds, ChatGPT had 5 different options and the title chosen seemed just cheesy enough.