National Cancer Survivors Day and the Power of Listening to Your Inner Voice - Sheba Consulting | Fractional Leadership Services | Fractional COO | Fractional CTO | Fractional CPO | Operations and Back-Office Services

National Cancer Survivors Day and the Power of Listening to Your Inner Voice

 Jennifer Conter LaLama
May 31, 2024 6:29pm ET

Cancer. The word itself is oftentimes deemed unmentionable. And yet, we’ve all known and lost someone to cancer. As of 2022, there were almost 20 million new cancer cases worldwide, but data revealed there were an estimated 18 million survivors in the United States. 

On the first Sunday of June, we celebrate everyone who fought and won the battle against cancer. Adi Vaxman, CEO of Sheba Consulting, finds herself among that esteemed group of survivors, although you wouldn’t know it from talking to her. 

In fact, she doesn’t like speaking about cancer, because it was never something that she wanted to define her or her life. With some arm twisting though, Vaxman was convinced to give a brief interview about her battle with lymphoma. 

First diagnosed in 2004, Vaxman was a single mom with a one year old. After a surgery and receiving chemotherapy for eight months, her oncologist told her the treatment wasn’t working and she needed to get her affairs in order. She was appalled. 

A very strict diet and herbal remedies were advised in an attempt to balance PH levels, along with acupuncture twice a week. Six months into treatment, Vaxman recalls, “I realized my hair is growing back, and I’m just feeling a lot better.” Soon after, she asked to have her blood tested, and the results proved the treatment had worked. 

One of the main lessons learned for Vaxman was about staying true to herself and knowing that everything we encounter is a choice. She said, “I feel like I had the choice to give up and I had the choice to give in and I had the choice to be here or not. And I chose to be here.” 

Vaxman is a huge advocate of getting multiple opinions and never accepting that there’s no cure or hope. She stated, “You just need to listen to yourself and get the right advice. And if you don’t feel that advice that you’re getting is right for you, then go get different advice.” 

Never one to be told something couldn’t be done, Vaxman has spent her entire personal and professional life solving problems, and odd medical diagnoses are no different. She views them as riddles that need to be solved. She stated, “We check every option until we solve the riddle.”

As we celebrate the 37th annual National Cancer Survivors Day, we honor all the survivors and applaud your bravery. What you went through was hell, but you made it through to the other side. We join you in a celebration of life today.